In Erlking, I take on a host of personas connected to the German and Scandinavian mythical creature that lures foolish travelers to their death. Drawing from psychoanalysis and the literary works of Angela Carter, I invoke personas in flux.
Erkling, National Gallery of Canada, Permanent Collection.
Tundrunning (Sample)
Full-length video: 2:50, 2011
In this tragicomic piece, the mask and the act of performance play important roles as vehicles of self-transformation and self-definition in order to explore and confront the other within.
Still Hunter, colour photograph, Attitudes in Latitudes: The Northern Wild Explores the Tropics, Art Center/South Florida, March 14-April 26 2015.
(Evin Collis - Right)
Wilderness Adventures
Video, 00:10
Wilderness Adventures was first presented in the context of a public art project curated by John G. Hampton in Regina and Saskatoon. This work was shown on digital billboards in these cities with the work of Dana Claxton, Hadley & Maxwell, Jennifer Marman & Daniel Borins, Jon Sasaki, Kelly Mark, and Lee Henderson