press and reviews

“Dominique Rey — MOTHERGROUND”
Franco-Manitoban's new exhibition is “ambitious, experimental”
"In MOTHERGROUND, creative work and maternal labor merge to extraordinary effect, offering a visceral and ambiguous exploration of motherhood as perpetual transformation. Dominique Rey’s experimental show challenges serene depictions of motherhood, presenting it instead as a dynamic interplay of attachment, individuation, and the cultural and personal complexities of the maternal bond."
Galleries West
Alison Gillmor
November 15, 2024

Dominique Rey’s new exhibition unites motherhood and artistic practice
"MOTHERGROUND probes the eclectic dynamism of ideas, thoughts, and emotions innate to motherhood. It works to decipher the weight of parent-child relationships and examine some of our most primal emotions and most important relationships."
The Uniter
Myles Tiessen, Arts & culture editor
October 10, 2024

“Play and unpredictability”
"Rey works with the bodies of mother and child as one and distinct from each other, exploring the push-pull of presence and absence."
Winnipeg Free Press
Jen Zoratti
October 10, 2024

"Le septième pétale d’une tulipe-monstre"
"Dominique Rey's manipulated photographic prints depict bodies camouflaged within their own images. They are particularly poignant as they express the interdependent relationship between parent and child, as well as the fluidity of individual identities."
Esse Magazine, Issue 109
Review by Guillaume Adjutor Provost
Fall 2023

"Fragmentation & Desire"
"Inversion has always been important to my practice, particularly when I am working with female subjects that suffer from prejudice or stereotype. My goal is to subvert preconceived notions by offering a complex portrait that invites active engagement."
Black Flash Magazine
Remai Modern Curator of Collections Sandra Fraser speaks with multidisciplinary artist Dominique Rey about her practice and current works.

"Dominique Rey’s Veneration of a Disappearing Sisterhood"
“More than mere elegy, 'Under The Rose Arch' is a veneration of a disappearing sisterhood, capturing the community in its twilight yet celebrating their resilience and devotion."
Canadian Art
Review by Chris Hampton
Spring 2015

"Contemplating Time with Les Filles de la Croix"
“Dominique Rey’s 'Under the Rose Arch' immerses viewers in the nuns' world, capturing slowness, attention, and the beauty of their disappearing community. The work moves beyond objectification to reveal the depth and complexity of these women’s lives.”
National Gallery of Canada Magazine
Review by Alexia Naidoo
Spring 2015

"A first peek at Contact"
“Dominique Rey's 'Tundrunning' embodies her ongoing exploration of feminine personas, as she uses absurd, theatrical costumes and remote landscapes to uncover 'the other within.'"
In Conversation with Canadian Contemporary Art
Review by Trish Boon
Spring 2014

"Contact Photography Festival, Toronto, 2014: Blog Post One"
Black Flash Magazine
Travis Cole
Spring 2014

"Rey of Light"
Artist Dominique Rey illuminates the stranger, and strangeness, within.
Winter 2013